Springtime for me means getting ready for summer!
Tanning & treadmill sessions are a must this year.
Hubby bought me a 6time tanning pass for that reason, lol.
My niece is getting bigger every day she is now one month old and I'm loving her more and more every time I see her. I'm planning a photoshoot with a friend of mine this coming week so I'll be sure to post those pictures when I get them back!
I really wish that I had my own place with Brooks so we could plant a garden for spring, maybe next year.....
Brooks is still working at the marriott and I've become very serious and diligent about finding a job, I'm trying to get a job at a daycare here in town.. so far that's coming nicely. Still, money is really a big problem so we're just taking it easy on our spending and trying not to let it bother us so much.
Some people may know that my parents have been having some fairly serious relationship issues and I'm handling it pretty well. Its making all of us siblings grow alot closer and kinda realize the amazing family that we've taken for granted all this time.
So many things in our life are just budding and growing which is so appropriate for spring & I just thought I'd share :)